Air and UVC sluice for goods

Sluice with UVC lighting can protect the herd from viruses and bacteria. CleanAccess sluice can be used for pallet goods, bigbags and machines. It is dimensioned as desired and can ensure an effective and uniform disinfection within 4 minutes.

In herds where health and protection against infection are important, our CleanAccess UVC sluice is a significant part of active biosecurity.

The sluice is equipped with air nozzles, which blow particles loose, after which they are filtered in the internal air system using HEPA filters. This ensures that light can reach the surface of bigbags and goods and thereby disinfect the surfaces. Studies show that contamination is often carried in or hidden by particles. This combination with UVC and air treatment is  therefore the most effective form of disinfection of goods.

The sluices can be dimensioned as desired and built up to truck size.

The treatment time starts at 4 minutes and is adapted to the desired level of disinfection.

Two CleanAccess sluices under construction. Here they are used to process all incoming goods on a number of larger farms in Latvia. The sluices are built on a trailer and can be moved around as needed.



The UVC sluice is strategically placed between the unclean and clean zone. The sluice has its own internal air system with HEPA filtration, and UVC lamps can be mounted on the sides, top and bottom. It has a door system with interlock, which means that only one door can be open at a time.

The treatment time starts at 4 minutes and can be adjusted as desired.

Function – short:

  • Install a CleanAccess UVC sluice between unclean and clean areas
  • Open the unclean door and place a pallet or cart with goods in the sluice
  • Close the door and press start
  • Air nozzles in the cabin “flush” the goods with air moving at 20-25 m/s
  • Polluted air is drawn through the internal filter system, after which it is recycled
  • The door opens to the clean side when the cycle is complete
  • A CleanAccess cargo UVC sluice is delivered in modules for assembly on site
  • Smaller sluices are supplied as plug and play – ready for installation
  • Emergency stop usually opens to the unclean side
  • Possibility of special functions and dimensioning by agreement


UVC sluice
CleanAccess for smaller items, which you can see here fitted with a trolley for tools and consumables. Can also be used for Euro pallets, larger tools, etc.


If you need a box for small items, like phoneslaptops, lunch boxes, medicines, etc., then check out the CleanBox. Read more about it here

The UV light kills all known bacteria and viruses on all surfaces – quickly and efficiently

We always strive for the highest possible effect on all available surfaces to ensure maximum disinfection. The UV light treats all affected surfaces. With the indicated dose, you will be able to kill all known bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, like salmonella, bacillus cereus and listeria monocytogenes.

The treatment time can last from a few minutes to longer intervals, and it is determined by agreement.


All according to your needs

We prefer to provide solutions that are custom-made to your needs and your reality. That way you get the optimal solution – every time


Contact us for an offer for custom-made solutions.
Watch video of the UVC sluice on YouTube.