UVC tunnel – safe disinfection of surfaces

Improve hygiene significantly with a UVC tunnel. Get up to 360° disinfection on surfaces.

A UVC tunnel is an effective and safe method for automatic and contact-free disinfection, which can be scaled as needed and desired.

Here you get 99% disinfection across 360° of the surfaces and in all types of environments, and it is:

  • Contact-free
  • Chemical-free
  • Instantaneous
  • Automated

UVC disinfection in tunnels can be used to treat surfaces of boxes, bags, sacks, bottles, tubes, rolls, packages. Use it for raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products in packaging or with a solid surface.

The UVC tunnel can, as standard, be controlled with;

    • Adjustable belt speeds
    • Level control of UVC intensity with sensors
    • 360° treatment through loops or waterfall

UVC dose is dimensioned to deactivate;

  • Bacteria
  • Virus
  • Fungi


MicroorganismUVC dose in j/m2 for 99% reduction on surfacesBelt speed on 0,5 m/sBelt speed on 1,5 m/s
Corona CV-250Very good effectVery good effect
Corona Sars250Very good effectModerate, increase UVC dose
African swine flu100Very good effectGood, consider increasing the UVC dose
E-coli100Very good effectGood, consider increasing the UVC dose
Hepatitis200Very good effectModerate, increase UVC dose
Polio virus150Very good effectModerate, increase UVC dose
Legionella52Very good effectVery good effect
Salmonella50Very good effectVery good effect
Staphylococcus 125Very good effectGood, consider increasing the UVC dose
Streptococcus125Very good effectGood, consider increasing the UVC dose

Together we determine the level of disinfection, time requirement for the process and requirements for the function.

The system is delivered with PLC control with several layers, setup with alarms, sensors and the option of reading logs.


UVC tunnel
UVC tunnel for items intended for pharmaceutical production. Flexible and compact solution on wheels, which can be easily repositioned as needed.


Contact us for solutions to match your requests.