ND Air Sterile

With UVC light we can secure your production process against unwanted germs and bacteria. We do this completely without chemicals or filters. The air is simply sent through a number of UV systems. We can disinfect air volumes with up to 100 ° C and 90% humidity. You determine the flow, temperature and humidity, and we calculate the need for the system. Here we have delivered a system for 60 m³/hour and 60% humidity for the dairy industry.
ND Air Steril luft

ND Air Sterile is available in many versions and is dimensioned for your needs:

You decide:

  • Flow
  • Temperature
  • UVC dose (often based on the pathogen)
  • Control

We are happy to help determine the dose needed and to choose the right setup for your production.

You can get:

  • XX UV Installation with built in control
  • Dimensioning in relation to temperature and humidity
  • With external monitoring of service life and function
  • Standard for mounting
  • Installation with clamps
  • Approved for contact with food

Let us help you find the right UVC solution