Even liquids that are almost opaque can be treated with UV light

Diesel oil and lubricating oils are often affected by bacterial growth and algae formation, - also known as diesel plague. We have developed a special UVC lamp for use in diesel and oil installations for disinfection of harmful microorganisms.

With proper installation, our unique systems can keep diesel in tanks free of microorganisms. The system works by continuously circulating diesel in the tank past the UV lamp, in a UV reactor, which consists of a stainless steel chamber in which a special UV lamp is mounted.

UV treatment


For juices and other components

Vegetable juices and other food elements can be illuminated to limit bacteria and yeast growth in the product. The UV treatment can be performed very gently, and often with very little or no effect on the quality of the product.

In terms of energyUV treatment is a good alternative, for example to a pasteurisation process or other heat treatment.


UV treatment


Contact us to hear more about the possibilities of applying UV lighting to your product.