Environment friendly disinfection with natural UVC light for industrial companies

Many years of research and use of UVC light have proven that it is a safe and effective way to disinfect. In addition to safety and efficiency, UVC light is also environmentally friendly and 100% free of chemicals. This means the solution is optimal for all companies and especially those companies that are environmentally conscious and have "green profiles."

The environmentally conscious company does not have to compromise on hygiene

We care about safety, efficiency and the environment, – just as you do. If you face hygiene-related challenges, we have some good news for you. The environmentally conscious company does not have to compromise on hygiene.

But hygiene is exactly the place where many companies with a green profile unfortunately lag behind. That does not have to be the case – we are here to help you.

With our thoroughly tested and reliable UVC system, we can work with you to disinfect water/liquids, surfaces and air. From the very small units, which are ready for delivery, and up to the large and custom-built units.

You can see more of our products on YouTube


At Aarstiderne, the “green profile” is important. With our specially built UV tunnel, we are able to ensure that our recycled packaging is kept clean, while remaining environment friendly.
Henrik Bendtsen, Package manager, Aarstiderne Barritskov


Disinfection of packaging, such as capsules, cups, trays, etc.Disinfection of packaging, such as capsules, cups, trays, etc. immediately before the food enters the packaging can help to ensure the quality of the product. Read more here
Disinfection of the air is essentialDisinfection of the air is crucial. In a large number of production environments, clean air and air purification are essential. It secures the production process against unwanted elements from incoming air, and at the same time, it can secure the outside against contamination from the process.Read more here
Disinfection of rooms with or without staffThe need for sterile rooms is easily secured with UV units. There are solutions for rooms without staff and solutions for rooms where staff is present when the light is in use.
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Odor removal and disinfection for refrigerators, freezers, food storage rooms, etc.Safe removal of bad odour and effective disinfection of air in cold rooms, which is also approved under HAACP. Read more here
Disinfection of packing tapes, sorting machines, etc.UV lighting for disinfection of packing tapes, sorting machines, etc. raises the level of hygiene, ensures that bacteria do not spread between items and reduces cleaning costs.
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