Do you have a disinfection need and would like to use an environmentally friendly and chemical-free solution?
The possibilities may seem a little overwhelming, so how do you find the right equipment for the task?
We can help you in this regard.
Quite simply, we start by asking about the scope of the task.
We would like to know if the job involves disinfection in air, liquids or on surfaces?
You might already know which bacteria or viruses you want to eliminate. Alternatively, do you want us to help identify the types in your industry?
What log value would you want to achieve, and should we tailor the solution to some existing processes or systems?
Do you want a visit?
You can take us on a tour of your company, where we will examine and prioritise tasks and opportunities. We will visit many different environments, and you will be able to benefit from our broad hygiene-related experience. The visit ends with a priority report, which contains tasks that can be solved with UVC as well as tasks that can be solved by other means. It may be that controlling airflow, changing work flows or handling packaging will benefit the general hygiene level, thereby leading to an overall higher level.
We can create test setups for UVC solutions, so you can perform a test at your own company to determine the best way to get the necessary effect. We help with test protocols, tests with known microorganisms and subsequent growth, and with reporting of the results.
From there, we can get a very precise idea of the magnitude of the selected tasks.
Please contact us at or tel. +45 22 680 680